“Puliscono la tastiera. Dietro i tasti scoprono un titolo a caso. Che cosa c’è in quel giornalismo approssimativo”
Puliscono il bosco. Dietro i rovi scoprono tomba etrusca … Per carità: ci sono passato attraverso il giornalismo non professionistico e anche dalla necessità d’inventarmi d’estate un titolo d’accatto, ma accattivante, tra l’ombrellone e la battigia.Così, quando ho letto come era stato pubblicato il lavoro dell’ACT nella Necropoli Etrusca di Sopraripa a Sovana su una…
B.I.S.A. International School of Archaeology’s Winter Campaign
As the chill of winter descends upon the enchanting landscapes of southern Tuscany, the B.I.S.A. International School of Archaeology eagerly prepares for its Winter Campaign, an exciting venture that promises to unravel the secrets of the region’s impressive historical heritage. Embracing the unique advantages that the winter season brings to archaeological exploration, the school is…
Venturing into History: B.I.S.A. Fall School 2023’s “The Stone and the River” Masterclass
The whispers of ancient civilizations have long echoed through the ages, hidden in the depths of time. If you’ve ever yearned to unravel the mysteries of Etruscan, Roman, and Lombard cultures, the B.I.S.A. Fall School 2023’s “The Stone and the River: MASTERCLASS” project is your ticket to embark on an unforgettable journey.In this comprehensive and…
This Summer, become an Archaeology reporter with us!!
By popular demand from our students, we are introducing a brand new course in the B.I.S.A. summer session! Our summer program offers courses in archaeological techniques, fieldwork methods, and archaeological theory. We strive to make our program compelling and accessible to students at all levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate, and researchers from various backgrounds. Our…